Development Console

Prodigy Engine also incorporates a development console useful for running commands for actions such as opening/closing the profiler, changing memory tracking modes, performing screenshot jobs, etc.

Below is a video of the console in use:

Dev Console in Prodigy Engine

The development console is fairly simple and uses an event system to perform command executions.

Below is the implementation of the dev console available in Prodigy Engine:

struct ConsoleEntry
	const std::string		m_printString;
	Rgba					m_printColor;
	unsigned int	        m_frameNum;
	float					m_calledTime;

	explicit ConsoleEntry(const Rgba&, const std::string&, unsigned int, float);

class DevConsole
	void			Startup();
	void			BeginFrame();
	void			UpdateConsole(float deltaTime);
	void			EndFrame();
	void			Shutdown();

	void			SetBitmapFont(BitmapFont& bitmapFont);
	void			GetVertsForDevConsoleMemTracker(std::vector<Vertex_PCU>& textVerts, AABB2& memTrackingBox, float lineHeight) const;

	void			PrintString( const Rgba& textColor, const std::string& devConsolePrintString );
	void			Render( RenderContext& renderer, Camera& camera, float lineHeight ) const;
	void			RenderMemTrackingInfo(RenderContext& renderer, Camera& camera, float lineHeight) const;

	void			ToggleOpenFull();
	bool			IsOpen() const;

	bool			ExecuteCommandLine(const std::string& commandLine);
	void			ShowLastCommand();
	void			ShowNextCommand();
	void			ResetIndexValues();

	inline int		GetFrameCount() {return m_frameCount;}

	// handle arrows, enter, escape, backspace, delete, etc...
	void			HandleKeyUp( unsigned char vkKeyCode );          // WM_KEYUP
	void			HandleKeyDown( unsigned char vkKeyCode );        // WM_KEYDOWN
	void			HandleCharacter( unsigned char charCode );       // WM_CHAR

	//Public Event Systems test
	static bool		Command_Test(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_Help(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_Clear(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_MemTracking(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_MemLog(EventArgs& args);

	static bool		Command_EnableAllLogFilters(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_DisableAllLogfilters(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_EnableLogFilter(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_DisableLogFilter(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_FlushLogSystem(EventArgs& args);
	static bool		Command_Logf(EventArgs& args);

	static bool		Command_ScreenShot(EventArgs& args);


 	const static Rgba						CONSOLE_INFO;
 	const static Rgba						CONSOLE_ERROR;
 	const static Rgba						CONSOLE_ERROR_DESC;
 	const static Rgba						CONSOLE_ECHO_COLOR;
	const static Rgba						CONSOLE_BG_COLOR;
	const static Rgba						CONSOLE_INPUT;

	std::shared_mutex						m_mutexLock;

	BitmapFont*								m_consoleFont = nullptr;
	bool									m_isOpen = false;
	int										m_currentFrameNumber = 0;
	std::vector<ConsoleEntry>				m_printLog;
	std::vector<std::string>				m_commandLog;
	unsigned int							m_frameCount = 0;
	float									m_timeAtStart;

	std::string								m_currentInput;
	unsigned int							m_carotPosition = 0;

	float									m_carotTimeDiff = 0.f;
	bool									m_carotActive = true;

	unsigned int							m_lastCommandIndex = 0;

	bool									m_memTrackingEnabled = true;
	Vec2									m_memTrackingBoxSize = Vec2(80.f,10.f);
	std::string								m_defaultShaderPath = "default_unlit.xml";

void			LogHookForDevConsole(const LogObject_T* logObj);

Some of the features the development console supports are as follows:

  • Log messages to the console
  • Run events by passing parameters to console
  • Display a text carrot
  • Keep a cache of commands used in order of usage
  • Using keys to toggle between previously executed commands